RFIs and Change Management
You’re a Property Developer who typically acts as a Main Contractor on projects You often use the Traditional Procurement Route by employing an Architect to complete the design of the works, typically from planning through to the construction phase.
More often than not, when it comes to employing contractors to install the works, the contractors have queries over what they describe as ‘incomplete design’ and therefore they issue RFI’s for further information.
We put together this scenario to Jason Farnell, Adjudicator and CEDR Accredited Mediator from Commercial Risk Management.
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What’s in this book?
Is there any way to reduce the amount of times this occurs by changing the scope of works, contract with the Architect?
What is the best way to manage RFI’s contractually between the Architect, ourselves and the Contractors we employ on site?
Do RFI’s have to be responded to in a certain period of time as a standard and what can be included in the Architect’s Contract and Subcontractors Contract(s) to best manage the process?