What digital contracting means for the wider construction industry


Paul Heming

March 5th, 2024
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Executive Summary:

Digitizing the contracting process transforms construction management by significantly enhancing efficiency and reducing project risks. Digital contracting speeds up contract signings from weeks to days, improves accuracy, and ensures better compliance and record-keeping. By adopting digital contracting solutions, the industry can achieve faster decision-making, reduce environmental impact, and enhance overall project execution, leading to a more resilient and sustainable construction sector.

Digital contracting:

In fast-paced construction projects, time is pretty much always, of the essence.

Yet, the haste to get things done quickly shouldn’t compromise the fundamental aspects of any project – especially when it comes to subcontract agreements. The move towards digitising the contracting process isn’t just about keeping up with the times; it’s a strategic advancement with significant implications for the wider construction industry.

Gone are the days of informal agreements sealed with a handshake or a hastily drafted email. In today’s landscape, formal contracts are no longer a ‘nice to have’; instead, they are a necessity.

Here’s why:

  • Clarity and Legal Protection: Verbal or email agreements lack the precision and legal fortification that formal contracts provide. Without clear documentation outlining terms, scope, and expectations, ambiguity reigns, opening doors to misunderstandings and disputes.
  • Mitigating Risks: Legal vulnerability is a genuine concern without a formal contract and will lead to disputed contract terms. In disagreements, enforcing or defending positions becomes arduous and costly when relying solely on informal agreements.
  • Preventing Scope Creep: Detailed contracts help stave off scope creep, a common menace in the construction industry. Lack of clarity in verbal agreements often leads to disagreements over additional work or changes in scope, causing delays and cost overruns.
  • Ensuring Payment Clarity: Payment disputes are a headache for any construction project. Confusion abounds without specified payment terms outlined in a formal contract, exacerbating tensions and potentially stalling progress.
  • Warranties: Formal contracts typically include provisions for warranties and indemnities, offering recourse in case of defects or failures. Enforcing warranty claims becomes challenging without the safeguards of a contract, leaving parties vulnerable to losses.


In light of these challenges, embracing digital contracting solutions like C-Link’s integration with DocuSign offers hope for streamlining the contracting process. Eliminating the need for physical signatures and paperwork is massive in construction. Many companies are SMEs and on-site, so printing, signing and scanning takes ages.

Our data shows it takes at least 30 days to sign a standard subcontract with a wet signature, and during this process, variations and disputes can start to creep into any project, making parties hesitant to sign. Digital signatures can see subcontracts signed in two days, completely transforming the process.

Electronic signatures revolutionize contract signing in the construction industry by providing a secure, quick, and legally recognised way to execute agreements digitally. With electronic signatures, parties can sign documents from anywhere in the world, eliminating delays associated with physical document exchange. This technology ensures that signatures are verified and protected, reducing the risk of forgery and enhancing the integrity of contractual agreements.


Smart Contracts

While the integration of digital signatures represents a significant step forward in streamlining the contracting process, the evolution doesn’t stop here. The next frontier in construction contracting is the adoption of smart contracts, which promise to automate and secure contract management to an unprecedented degree.

Key Benefits:

  • Automated Compliance and Payments: Smart contracts automatically execute transactions like payments when pre-set conditions are met, such as the completion of a project phase. This reduces delays and disputes over payments.
  • Enhanced Security: Built on blockchain technology, smart contracts are secure and immutable, preventing tampering and ensuring that every modification is traceable, which is crucial in high-stake construction contracts.
  • Scope and Dispute Reduction: By precisely defining project scopes and terms, smart contracts reduce the risks of scope creep and contractual disputes, common issues in the construction sector.
  • Efficient Project Management: Smart contracts streamline project management by automating milestone tracking and notifications, helping keep projects on schedule.
  • Integration with Digital Tools: Smart contracts can integrate with existing digital contracting platforms like C-Link, enhancing their functionality and handling complex subcontracting processes more effectively.


In the long term there is also massive compliance and audit trail benefits. Finding and locating a signed digital contract from the site is much easier than locating the wet signed document. The same applies when the contract is in the archive five years later, but a dispute arises. Better record-keeping enhances transparency and accountability throughout the contracting process.

Digital contracting significantly enhances these compliance and audit trails in construction. With digital solutions, every action on a contract is logged, providing a tamper-proof record that simplifies audits and reduces dispute resolution times. This advanced tracking and secure logging, especially when integrated with blockchain technology, ensure that all contract interactions are transparent and verifiable, improving overall project accountability and efficiency.


Contract Lifecycle Management  systems

Further enhancing the efficiency of the contracting process is the use of Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) systems. Which are pivotal in managing digital contracts efficiently across their entire lifecycle—from initiation through execution, to renewal or termination. CLM tools automate and streamline various stages of contract management, significantly reducing the administrative burden and enhancing operational efficiency. These systems ensure every phase of a contract is tracked and managed effectively, facilitating quicker access to contract data, ensuring compliance, and reducing the risks associated with contract management. 

Digital tools such as this significantly enhance contract workflows by automating and optimizing the progression of documents from draft to completion. These tools facilitate a structured approach to contract management, ensuring that each step, from initiation and drafting to approval and renewal, is efficiently managed. Workflow automation in digital contracting reduces the time and labour involved in manual processes, decreases the likelihood of errors, and ensures compliance with established timelines and regulatory requirements.


Digital Contract Templates

Digital contract templates streamline the drafting process in the construction industry by providing predefined frameworks that can be easily customized for different projects. These templates ensure consistency, reduce errors, and save time, allowing projects to start and proceed faster.

Key Advantages:

  • Efficiency: Speeds up the contract preparation, significantly reducing the time from drafting to signing.
  • Consistency: Ensures all contracts meet legal standards and company policies, reducing compliance risks.
  • Scalability: Enables handling a higher volume of contracts efficiently, which is crucial for growing businesses.
  • Reduced Risk: Standardizes terms across contracts, minimizing legal disputes.

Integration with Digital Platforms: When integrated with digital contracting software like C-Link, these templates leverage automation for tracking and management, enhancing the functionality of digital contracting tools in handling complex processes efficiently.


Digital contracting: Legal Teams

The integration of legal teams in digital contracting plays a crucial role in enhancing contractual compliance and risk management within the construction industry. Legal professionals ensure that digital contracts are not only legally sound but also align with industry regulations and standards. Their expertise is invaluable in structuring smart contracts that automate processes while safeguarding legal integrity.

Legal teams also contribute to refining the language and terms used in contracts to minimize ambiguities and potential disputes. This clarity is vital in digital environments where contract terms are executed automatically. Moreover, legal oversight in digital contracting helps in maintaining rigorous audit trails and compliance records, which are essential for dispute resolution and regulatory reviews.

Efficiency and Automation

Digitising the contracting process isn’t merely a matter of convenience – it’s a strategic imperative for the modern construction industry.

By embracing digital contracting solutions like C-Link’s integration with DocuSign, businesses can navigate the complexities of subcontracting with greater efficiency, clarity, and legal protection, ultimately propelling the industry towards a brighter, more streamlined future.

Digital contracting significantly reduces human errors that frequently occur in traditional contract management. Manual handling of contracts often leads to mistakes such as misfiled documents, incorrect data entry, and overlooked contractual obligations, which can have costly consequences.

By automating data entry, contract storage, and management processes, digital contracting platforms ensure accuracy and consistency across all documentation. These systems provide real-time updates and alerts to prevent oversights, ensuring all contract terms are followed precisely and deadlines are met, thereby safeguarding against the costly errors that typically result from manual contract management.

However, the benefits of digitising the contracting process extend far beyond the immediate conveniences. This shift represents a seismic change in how the construction industry operates, bringing about transformative effects that ripple through every aspect of project management and execution.


Data and Insights

One notable advantage lies in the realm of data management and analysis. By transitioning from traditional paper-based methods to digital contracting platforms, construction firms access a wealth of data that can inform decision-making and drive operational efficiencies. From tracking project progress to identifying patterns in subcontractor performance, digitised contracts provide valuable insights that enable proactive management and risk mitigation.


Sustainability: No more Paper Contracts

Additionally, digitising the contracting process aligns with broader industry trends towards sustainability and environmental responsibility. Construction firms can significantly decrease their ecological footprint by reducing reliance on paper contracts and minimising physical paperwork. This demonstrates a commitment to corporate social responsibility and leads to tangible cost savings in the long run.


In essence, the use of digital contracting represents a paradigm shift in how construction projects are planned, executed, and managed. Beyond the immediate benefits of efficiency and convenience, this transition heralds a new era of data-driven decision-making, enhanced collaboration, and sustainable practices.

By embracing digital contracting and leveraging technology, the UK construction industry will become more resilient, agile, and have a more prosperous future.

About Paul Heming

Paul was a Quantity Surveyor who gained 10 years experience of managing £200 million worth of flagship UK projects, including 20 Fenchurch Street and Battersea Power Station. In 2015, Paul founded C-Link with the intention of sharing his expertise of managing major projects with the SME market.

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